The Vic Cherubini Internship Program

The Vic Cherubini Internship Program was started in 1994 by then BMA Member, Vic Cherubini, who has placed an intern at his company every year since.

The Houston Business Marketing Alliance of Houston provides internships at companies who are ANA members for the Summer, Fall, and Spring semesters. Students seeking hands-on experience in the field of marketing are encouraged to apply for an internship with HMBA.

Interns will have the opportunity to learn about various aspects of advertising and marketing. Internships average approximately 300 hours on a schedule to be determined by the student and Sponsor Company.

HBMA works with host companies and college students or recent graduates in marketing and communications to provide educational and work opportunities for young people that are gearing up to enter the workforce.

Questions? Contact Kelly Demel, Internships and Scholarships Chair.